Momento 3.4

Our biggest release since launch of Momento 3 is here! Today we’re introducing some exciting new feeds, new features, enhancements and a new business model!

Setting Momento Free

For 6 years we have been a paid app on the App Store and today we’re making Momento a free download with in-app purchases.

Starting a journal can be difficult and paying for an app you can’t try first is just another barrier to getting started. We’d prefer you to take the app for spin first and see the benefits of journaling before you make the decision to buy.

Momento's core functionality is available for free with no strings attached — that means no ads and no data mining. If you love Momento and want to unlock additional features, including lock-code protection, the ability to add multiple photos, and additional feed connections, you can do so through in-app purchases or by subscribing to Momento Premium.

Momento Premium is an annual subscription which unlocks every feature and removes all restrictions to provide you with the complete Momento experience. The subscription model will remove distruptive major upgrade experiences in the future and will provide us with a sustainable source of revenue to continue to develop and grow Momento.

If you were an early supporter of Momento 3 and paid for the app, all the features you have today (including Premium features added up to 1st July 2017) will be unlocked forever. You will not need to subscribe to Momento Premium to keep these features. Subscribing to Momento Premium after this date will provide access to any new Premium features introduced thereafter.

Update: We have revised this blog post to make it clearer what exsiting users will receive. More information can be found in our Momento Premium FAQ.

Fresh Feeds

We know you have been waiting for some new feeds and they’re finally here! Thanks to everybody who got in touch with suggestions for new feeds, these are the results…

Hearing a song can instantly take us back in time, and what better way to treasure tracks than keeping them in Momento! The Spotify feed pulls in saved tracks and albums so the moment you decide a track is worth saving, is the moment it gets archived in Momento.

Momento lets you read your history… and now your reading history can be part of your journal! See when you started and finished reading a book, as well as your personal rating and review.

If you’re a blogger, journalist or just love to write, then Medium is a great platform for sharing your work. Thanks to our nifty web feed importer your recent Medium stories can now be part of your life story!

Refreshed Feeds

Plus, we have refreshed and reactivated the most popular feeds from Momento Classic…

If you have your life captured in photos on Flickr, this one’s for you. Momento will import all your Flickr photos on the date they were taken (or the date they were uploaded, if you choose).

Whether you’re a vlogger, show host or filmmaker, you’ll love the YouTube feed. Momento will import all your uploaded videos and archive them on the dates they were published.

Web Feeds
The most versatile of feeds, allowing you to capture information from any public RSS or Atom feed. This is great for importing links your blog posts or the day’s top news stories from your favourite news site.

Oh, and a little feed enhancement…

Twitter @replies (tweets you send beginning with @) are now supported so you can capture each and every moment from Twitter. Plus we've made these optional so you have a little more control of what tweets end up in your journal.

Search and Explore Your Life Story

With your digital history consolidated and organised, Momento becomes the search engine of your life — a private repository of your personal data which you can explore and reference in just a few taps.

In Momento 3.4 you can now view search results and explore your journal by 'Moments' as well as 'Days', so you can find that moment you're looking for quicker than ever before. We've also added search as a Quick Action accessible from the homescreen for those of you with 3D Touch on your device.


If that wasn't enough, we've also made a bunch of enhancements throughout the app, including:

  • You can now navigate back and forth between days and add moments to a day with the new day navigation toolbar.
  • You can now view feed moments on their respective sites. Just tap on the more button (•••) alongside a Instagram photo, for example, to see the ‘View on Instagram’ option.
  • Photo summaries on the day view are now hidden by default. To view them just pull down above the date on a day.

We’ve also made lots of other little tweaks and fixes which you can find out more about in the release notes here.

Happy journaling!

We hope you enjoy Momento 3.4! As always, if you'd like to get in touch with questions, suggestions or feedback, you can do so on Twitter, Facebook or directly.