

Momento provides URL Scheme support to provide users and app developers with the ability to send data to Momento and initiate specific commands. This functionality combined with third-party apps can be used to create quick templated entries.


Recommended Apps

Launch Center Pro

Launch actions on your iPhone — not just apps.
Launch Center Pro saves you time by launching complex actions in a single tap.

Website  •  App Store


Shortcuts in iOS let you get things done with your apps, with just a tap or by asking Siri. Create custom shortcuts to simplifying everyday tasks.

App Store

Featured Templates


Morning Journal*

Based on the 5 Minute Journal with recommended adaptations by Tim Ferriss.


Evening Journal*

Based on the 5 Minute Journal with recommended adaptations by Tim Ferriss.



Daily Summary*

Capture accomplishments, thoughts, mood and learnings.

Launch Center Pro  •  Shortcut


Capture your mood, thoughts and feelings throughout the day. 

Launch Center Pro


Log 5 things you're grateful for at the end of each day.

Launch Center Pro



Log coffee tasting notes with name, origin, brew method and rating.

Launch Center Pro


Log wine tasting notes with name, grape, origin, year and rating.

Launch Center Pro


Log beer tasting notes with name, brewery, origin and rating.

Launch Center Pro



Log the food and drink you consume throughout the day.

Launch Center Pro


Log the medication you take with dosage and notes.

Launch Center Pro


Log how well you slept along with duration and notes.

Launch Center Pro



Log the films you watch along with your thoughts and rating.

Launch Center Pro


Log the TV shows you watch your thoughts and rating.

Launch Center Pro


Log the books you read along with your thoughts and rating.

Launch Center Pro

* TIP: Set reminders for these actions in Launch Centre Pro so you remember to log them.


Submit Your Template

If you have a template which you think would make a great addition to our library then please let us know about it.